
このソフト良い! (英語だけど…)


% streamripper -help
Usage: streamripper URL [OPTIONS]
Opts: -h             - Print this listing
      -v             - Print version info and quit
      -a [file]      - Rip to single file, default name is timestamped
      -A             - Don't write individual tracks
      -d dir         - The destination directory
      -D pattern     - Write files using specified pattern
      -s             - Don't create a directory for each stream
      -r [[ip:]port] - Create relay server on base ip:port, default port 8000
      -R #connect    - Max connections to relay, default 1, -R 0 is no limit
      -L file        - Create a relay playlist file
      -z             - Don't scan for free ports if base port is not avail
      -p url         - Use HTTP proxy server at <url>
      -o (always|never|larger)    - When to tracks in complete
      -t             - Don't overwrite tracks in incomplete
      -c             - Don't auto-reconnect
      -l seconds     - Number of seconds to run, otherwise runs forever
      -M megabytes   - Stop ripping after this many megabytes
      -q [start]     - Add sequence number to output file
      -u useragent   - Use a different UserAgent than "Streamripper"
      -w rulefile    - Parse metadata using rules in file.
      -m timeout     - Number of seconds before force-closing stalled conn
      -k count       - Skip over first <count> tracks before starting to rip
      -I interface   - Rip from specified interface (e.g. eth0)
      -T             - Truncate duplicated tracks in incomplete
      -E command     - Run external command to fetch metadata
      --quiet        - Don't print ripping status to console
      --debug        - Save debugging trace
ID3 opts (mp3/aac/nsv):  [The default behavior is adding ID3V2.3 only]
      -i                           - Don't add any ID3 tags to output file
      --with-id3v1                 - Add ID3V1 tags to output file
      --without-id3v2              - Don't add ID3V2 tags to output file
Splitpoint opts (mp3 only):
      --xs-offset=num              - Shift relative to metadata (msec)
      --xs-padding=num:num         - Add extra to prev:next track (msec)
      --xs-search-window=num:num   - Search window relative to metadata (msec)
      --xs-silence-length=num      - Expected length of silence (msec)
Codeset opts:
      --codeset-filesys=codeset    - Specify codeset for the file system
      --codeset-id3=codeset        - Specify codeset for id3 tags
      --codeset-metadata=codeset   - Specify codeset for metadata
      --codeset-relay=codeset      - Specify codeset for the relay stream


% streamripper

これは LuxuriaMusic のストリーム。